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Class of 2000 Reunion Campaign
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Feb 02, 2025
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1891 Scholarship
40 Under 40 Society Endowment
50 in 50 Athletics Resource
Academic Affairs Resource
Adult Learner Discretionary Fund
Agnes Whitfield Endowment
AKA HBCU Endowment
Alexander O. Thweatt Endowment
Alpha Kappa Alpha Scholarship
Alpha Phi Alpha Endowed Scholarship
Alpha Phi Alpha Endowment
Alumni Relations Resource
Alvin E. Keels, Jr. Basketball Scholarship
Amarriah Smith Memorial Education Tuition Scholarship
American Indian Program, Public Health, and Cultural Geology Discretionary
Andrew Healon "Salt" Williams & Rubenia Shannon Williams Endowment
Anne White Memorial Scholarship
Annie and Willie Scholarship Grant - Dr. Maya Angelou Foundation Scholarshi
Annual Founders Day Gala Scholarship
Athletic Director's Scholarship
Athletic General Scholarship
Athletics Resource
Athletics Travel Resource Fund
Aviation Enrichment Resource Opportunity (A.E.R.O.) Fund
Aviation Program Enhancement Discretionary
Ballers Club Athletics Resource
Band Scholarship
Band Uniform Project
Belk Scholarship Endowment
Benard Peterson Scholarship
Benjamin C. Saunders, Sr. and Aileen M. Saunders Scholarship of Excellence
Bennie L. Williams, Sr. Educational Scholarship
Benny O. Hodges Endowment
Bernice Stewart Ashe Endowment
Betty E. Dowdy Alexander Endowment
Billie J. Reid Resource
Billy C. Hines Endowed Scholarship
Biology Resource
Bishop K.W. Brown Endowment
Black History Month Resource
Blackmon Honors Program
Bobby Riley Industrial Technology Endowment
Bowling Team Resource
Bryan L. Spence Endowment
Burnim Endowment
Business Economics Award
Business Economics Scholarship
Carolyn Mitchell Copper Ellis Endowment
Carray and Julina Banks Discretionary
Centura Bank Endowed Scholarship
Centura Bank Endowment
Chancellor's Priorities
Charles Peabody Davis Endowed Scholarship
Charles Williams Memorial Endowment
Charlie H. and E. Louise Hughes Endowed Scholarship
Chip and Caldwell Lewin Endowment
Chiquita Taylor Education Endowment
Civic and Community Engagement Resource
Clarence E. Biggs Emergency Loan Fund
Class of 1963 Endowment
Class of 1965 Endowment
Class of 1966 Academic Scholarship
Class of 1967 Endowment
Class of 1969 Scholarship
Class of 1970 Endowment
Class of 1971 Endowment
Class of 1975 Scholarship
Class of 1979 Scholarship
Class of 1980 Scholarship
Class of 1981 Endowment
Class of 1982 Endowment
Class of 1991 Endowment
Claude W. and Lois W. Green Endowment
Cleveland A. Blount, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
CM Franklin Scholarship
Collegians Jazz Ensemble Resource
Community Development
Counseling/Collegiate Recovery Center (CRC)
Criminal Justice Award
Darnell and Stephanie Johnson Endowment
David G. Strickland Endowment
Davis Scholarship Endowment
Deborah Beddingfield Endowment
Delta Chi Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Scholarship
Delton D. Boyd, Sr. and Kenneth Allen Faulk Endowment
Demetria Cofield Scholarship
Department of Education Undergraduate Student Resource
Department of English, History, and Interdisciplinary Studies Department Re
Desiree H. Kirby Trust Academic Scholarship and Talent Grant Endowment
Division of Student Affairs Resource
Donna Congleton Watts Endowment
Dorothea Poole Jenkins and Charles Jenkins Endowed Scholarship
Dorothea Poole Jenkins and Charles Jenkins Endowment
Dorothy Thomas Outdoor
Dr. A.L. Choudhury Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Althea A. Riddick Endowment
Dr. Brady B. Johnson Endowment
Dr. Brian Copeland Scholarship
Dr. Claudie J. & Dr. Lenora J. Mackey Endowment
Dr. Curtis D. Turnage Endowment
Dr. Derrick L. Wilkins Endowment
Dr. Donald Golden & Bernice Bias Brandon Endowment
Dr. Dorothy H. Bell Emergency Management Endowment
Dr. Earl M. Brown & Carrie H. Brown Endowment
Dr. Helen Marshall Caldwell Language, Literature and Communications Endowme
Dr. Irene Graham Van Travis Endowment
Dr. James M. Watson Award
Dr. James M. Watson Endowment
Dr. James T. Jackson Football Scholarship
Dr. Jenelle Simpson Endowment
Dr. Karrie G. Dixon and Mr. Devi D. Dixon Endowment
Dr. Marion D. and Lula G. Thorpe Endowment
Dr. Mary E. Sharpe Scholarship
Dr. Mary U. Stephenson Endowment
Dr. Naginder S. Dhillon Scholarship and Resource
Dr. Paul and Patricia Endowment
Dr. Paul and Patricia Norman Endowed Scholarship
Dr. SA Khan Scholarship in Memory of Dr. Mumtaz B. Khan
Dreamers Endowed Scholarship
E. Kirk and Nina Rivers Endowment
EC Payton Mills Endowment
ECSU Booster Club Resource
ECSU Career Development Institute
ECSU Centennial Scholarship
ECSU Cheerleader Resource
ECSU Cluster Scholarship
ECSU Football Resource
ECSU Health Resource Center Resource
ECSU Lab School
ECSU Legacy Room Resource
ECSU Merit Scholarship
ECSU NAA Student Support Initiative
ECSU National Alumni Association Endowment
ECSU Orchestra Scholarship
ECSU Retirees Association Endowment
ECSU Scholarship- Gap Fund
ECSU Softball Resource
ECSU Student & Community Connection Resource
Eddie H. Bland Memorial Scholarship
Edna Renee Anderson Endowment Scholarship
Edward and Georgia Smith Scholarship
Eley & Sengupta Math Endowment
Elizabeth City Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Scholarshi
Ella Baker Endowment
Elvin ""Bam Bam"" James Endowment
Emergency Management Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Resource
Emma Belcher Memorial
Emma Lize Masquil Endowment
Endowment Chair Endowment
Ernest "Husky" & Earlona Davis Endowment
Essence of Praise Gospel Choir Resource
Euliss and Ella Link Endowment
EV Wilkins Distinguished Chair Endowment
Evelyn Johnson Scholarship
EVOLVE with GRACE Endowment
First United Methodist Church (FUMC) Music Scholarship
Flora Bryant Brown History Scholarship
Floyd Robinson Endowment
Football Field Restoration Project
Franklin and Hannah Owens Endowment
Frederick Mary Douglas Endowment
Friends of the Library
General Scholarship
Geo Sci Scholarship
George Wesley Edmonds Endowment
Glaxo Women in Science Scholars Endowment
Golf Team Resource
Graduate Education Program Support
Harper-Ebert Solidarity Endowment
Health and Physical Education Resource
Health PE Scholarship
Henry D. Rhoulac Memorial Endowment
Henry N. and Alice Carson Tisdale Endowment
HMCUC Maynard Resource
Horne Costen Endowment
Howell Family Scholarship
Ind Insurance Agents Scholarship
Information Technology Resource
ITC Welcome Center
J. Christopher Rainey Endowment
Jacob and George Felton Endowment
James ""JB"" Hardy Endowment
James and Emma Staton Scholarship
James Family Endowment
James H. and Connie M. Maynard Fund
James Jones Scholarship
James Langston Endowment
James Maynard Outreach
JE Cofield Endowment
Joan Higginbotham-Aviation
Joe C. Coble Opportunity Endowment
John N. Smith Endowment
Johnny L. Houston Math Sciences Resource
Johnny L. Houston Mathematical Sciences Endowment
Johnson & Barnes Endowment
Joseph S. & Elouise W. White Scholarship
Joyce and Justina Long Class of 1954 Legacy Room Endowment
Joyce Daniel Freeman Endowment
JS and Carrie Roebuck Endowment
Julius E. Goodman Essence of Praise Memorial Scholarship
Kathy and Johnny Pfefferkorn Emergency Loan Fund
Kevin J. Wade Endowment
Kinesiology & Health Student Club Resource
King Robinson and Friends Scholarship
Kisha L. Darden Endowment
LaTanya Afolayan Endowment
Leonard Ballou Memorial Resource
Leonard Georgeann Carmichael Family Endowment
LeRoy ""Cush"" Walker, Jr. Memorial Endowment
Lillian Bias Abron Endowment
Linda Davenport-Sanders Resource
Linda Davenport-Sanders Scholarship
Lloyd Troy Porter Band Resource
Lorimer W. Midgett and Margaret W. Midgett Endowment
Luther and Mary Ida Vandross Scholarship
Madison Coates Endowment
Marching Band Resource
Margery Coulson-Clark International Endowment
Margie & Calvin Griffin Endowment
Marilyn Bell Hawley Social and Behavioral Sciences Endowment
Marion Mitchell Scholarship
Marvin & Lois Thornton Honorary Endowment
Mary A. Douglas Endowment for Athletics
Mary C. Hyatt Scholarship
Mary Edith Powell Memorial Endowment
Mary Elizabeth Tillery Memorial Endowment
Math & Computer Science Resource
Math & Computer Science Scholarship
Matt & Holly Cook Wood Endowment
Matthew ""Matt"" Lewis, Jr. & Geraldine Wright Lewis Endowment
Matthew and Christine Lewis Scholarship
Maurice Powers Endowment
McDonald's Endowment
Mickey L. & LaVera L. Burnim Scholarship
Millenium Fund Scholarship
Moore Wesley Scholarship
Moses Grandy Scholarship
Music Department Resource
Myron Burney Memorial Scholarship
Myrtle G. Boone Textbook Endowment
Naming Opportunity
Nathaniel Grant Scholarship
Natural Sciences Resource
NC Legislative Black Caucus Scholarship
NC MSEN Alumni Scholarship
Nelson-Johnson Student Athlete Endowment
NENC AA Research and Cultural Resource
NewKirk Endowment
Nicole Lynch Endowment
Niranjan Singh Psychology Academic & Research Enhancement Resource
Norman ""Buster"" and Georgianna Treadwell Murphy Scholarship
Office of International Programs Resource
Office of Student Success and Retention Resource
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Endowment
Operations and Facilities Management Resource
Ortega E-Mentoring Resource
Pathway Home GAP Scholarship
Pedro & Marlene Williams Holley Endowment
Phillip Smith III Scholarship
Pinnix, Brown, Day Endowment
Pre-Alumni Club
Pre-Alumni Club Endowment
Professional Dress
Raleigh Durham Wake Alumni Chapter Endowment
Raronzee Hinton Endowed Scholarship
Raronzee Scholarship Endowment
Reimagine Vaughan Center
Rev Foster Scholarship
Richard Bullock Men's Basketball Scholarship
Richard Henry Addison Pitt and Susie Thorpe Pitt Endowment
Richard Reid Scholarship
Ridley Scholarship
Robert E. Harvey Tri-state Alumni Chapter Scholarship
Robert L. Vaughan Endowment
Robin Patterson Memorial Endowment
Rochelle Vann House
Roger Allen McLean Memorial Scholarship
Roman & Alberta Locke Endowed Scholarship
Ruben & Gwendolyn S. Buggs Endowment
Samual Nora Thompson Endowment
Samuel and Arthenia Booth Family Endowment
School of Education & Business
School of Humanities & Social Sciences
School of Science, Aviation, Health & Technology
Science Tech Endowment
Seven Springs Farm and Vineyard Endowment
Sharonda C. Walton Scholarship
Sheryl Denise Ganus Endowment
Social Science Justice Scholarship
Squires Family Endowment
State Employees Combined Campaign Scholarship
Stuart and Wilshawnda Squires Endowment
Student Assistance (Covid 19)
T. H. Womack Memorial Endowment
Take Flight Career Pathways for Minorities in Aviation
Technology Department Resource
Terry and Tia Edwards Business Major Endowment
The Herring Family Endowment
Thomas and Helen Caldwell Athletic Endowment
Thomas and Mychele Conway Teacher Educator Preparation
Thomas Evans Jr. Student Athlete Leadership Academy Endowment
Thomas Marsico Entrepreneur Development Institute
Thorpe Athletic Endowment
Thorpe Aviation Endowment
Titus Lee Endowment
Transportation Research Scholarship Fund
Tyron W. Eason Athletic Endowment
University - Advancement Resource
University - Honors Program Resource
University Choir Scholarship
Unrestricted Foundation
UPS Store/Greg Russell Scholarship Fund
Vernice Richardson Endowment
Veteran/Military Service Center Resource
VICTOR Resource
Viking Men's Basketball Resource
Viking Men's Basketball Scholarship
Viking Varsity Club
Viking Varsity Endowment
Vikings Care Food Pantry Resource
Virgie Lee Hawkins and Carol Hawkins Heyward Endowment
Virginia Lawrence Houston Senior Education Endowment
Virginia Simmons Tillett Endowment
Vivian H. Burke Scholarship
Vivian S. Perrimon Endowment
Vivian S. Perrimon Scholarship
Vocal Resource
Volleyball Resource
W.C. Witherspoon and Cader Harris, Jr. Endowment
Wachovia Fund Excellence Endowment
Walter R. Davis SOBE Special Needs Fund
Ward SON Scholarship
Wayland H. Cato, Jr. Endowment
Willa Rascoe Faulk Dawson Hunt Book Fund
William ALICE Culpepper
William S. Bryant III & Bertha H. Bryant Endowment
William 'Steve' Settle Memorial Endowment
Willie and Jacqueline Gilchrist Endowed Scholarship
Willie Mae Jones Johnson
Willis and Josephine Ferebee Endowed Scholarship
Win Now ECSU Football Scholarship
Winifred Wood Endowment
Women's Basketball Resource
Women's Basketball Scholarship
Women's Tennis Team Resource
WRD Business & Economics Resource
WWFolkes Scholarship
Youth Education Scholarship Opportunities Endowment
Ziner, Myrtle, Julius, Zachary Johnson Family Endowment
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Reunion Classes