Career Development Center- Adopt a Hanger Initiative

Career Development Center- Adopt a Hanger Initiative

Adopt-a-Hanger Drive 

With the Adopt-a-Hanger initiative, we are on a mission to collect gently used business attire to help our students make a positive impression during interviews and in the workplace. There are three ways you can help us out:

  1. Make a gift to the Professional Dress Fund by visiting 
  2. Purchase items on our Amazon Wish List by clicking here:
  3. Donate gently used clothing designed for the workplace. Details are on the flyer.

Supporting the Adopt-a-Hanger drive gives our students the chance to feel confident, empowered, and professional as they prepare to enter the workforce. Let's show our students that we believe in them and their potential to conquer their goals. Together, we can make a positive impact and change lives.


ECSU Career Development Center

The ECSU Career Development Center gives students access to a team of professional cheerleaders who are rooting for them every step of the career preparation journey! 

These talented and experienced career advisors point the way to resources that help students discover their unique strengths and passions and learn how to leverage them to achieve their professional goals. 

The center also hosts a variety of workshops, career fairs, and networking events that connect students to top employers and provide the inside scoop on industry trends. 

Meet the dynamic ECSU Career Development Team that guides ECSU students and graduates toward conquering their dreams: 

Dr. Amber Lennon, Executive Director of Career Development & QEP

Mrs. Tameka Gibbs, Career Advisor

Mrs. Salisa Williams, Career Advisor

Mrs. Kim White, Career Advisor

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